Teacher Profiles

Teacher Profiles

St. Damian School Faculty & Staff Profiles


Marlee Elslager





Marlee Elslager

-Bachelor's degree in art education from Illinois State University

-Master's degree in Counseling from Bradley University 



Education has always been a passion of mine. My goal is to help create a school environment that is challenging yet supportive where students can learn, grow, and thrive. I decided to pursue counseling because social-emotional learning is a fundamental component to helping students develop a sense of self, strong character, and empathy. I am thrilled to be a part of the St. Damian's team and to help and support the students throughout their experience here.  

Outside of work, I love to spend time with my husband, our two kids, and our dog. I enjoy cooking, reading, hiking, and traveling. 

Email Mrs. Elslager.