Acceptable Use Procedures

St. Damian school provides technology resources to its students and staff for educational and administrative purposes. The goal in providing these resources is to promote educational excellence by facilitating resource sharing, innovation and communication with the support and supervision of parents/guardians, teachers, and support staff. The use of these technology resources is a privilege, not a right.

Access to computers provides the potential availability of material that may not be considered of educational value in the context of the school setting. Appropriate behavior, as it relates to the use of computers, is no different from behavior expectations in all other aspects of the learning and instructional program.  All users are expected to use the computers and computer networks in a responsible and ethical manner. This document is intended to clarify these expectations as they apply to computer and network usage in schools.

St. Damian school develops procedures stating what the school will do regarding the use of its technology resources. St. Damian School's technology protocol will:

prevent user access or transmission over its computers and computer network of inappropriate material via Internet, electronic mail, or other forms of direct electronic communications;

prevent unauthorized access and other unlawful online activity; 

prevent unauthorized online disclosure, use, or dissemination of personal identification information of minors; and including but not limited to the intranet, Internet access, fax, e-mail, stand alone computer and telephone;

comply with the provisions of the Children’s Internet Protection Act [Pub. L. No. 106-554 and 47 USC 254(h)].

Use of the technology resources that are prohibited include, but are not limited to:

violating student rights to privacy/confidentiality, or unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal identification information;

attempting any unauthorized access, including hacking of any computer system; downloading unacceptable materials;

re-posting personal communication without the author’s prior consent; violating copyright law;

using school technology resources for financial gain, credit card fraud, electronic forgery, other illegal activity and political purposes;

downloading, installing or storing software on a school computer without the approval of appropriate school personnel;

changing or attempting to alter any configuration, program or password on any computer or system;

using a school computer without knowledge/approval of school personnel responsible for the computer;

using inappropriate language, pictures, and gestures in any form on the Internet;

using the Internet for entertainment or limited self-discovery function;

using the Internet for unauthorized purchases.

The school is primarily responsible for:

applying blocking to visual depictions of material deemed obscene or to child pornography or to any material deemed harmful to minors as determined by the school administration;

teaching proper techniques and standards for Internet participation;

guiding student access to appropriate areas of the Internet;

informing students that misuse of the Internet in school could result in loss of access privileges and/or further disciplinary action;

monitoring privacy, software policy, copyright laws, e-mail etiquette, approved/intended use of the school’s Internet resource; and

disabling, subject to administrative supervision, protection measures in the case of bona fide adult research or other lawful purposes.

The school is not responsible for:

unauthorized costs or charges that are incurred by students over the Internet;

any damages the student may incur, including loss of data; and

the accuracy or quality of any information obtained through any school Internet connection.

Local school policies should address student use of electronic devices during regular school hours and during school-sponsored activities. 

Student-owned computers, when used in school, must follow the same procedures as school-owned equipment.  Student-owned computers cannot be used on school premises without the expressed consent of the principal.

Parents /Guardians and students must sign and acknowledge the school Acceptable Use Procedure. The parent/guardian must authorize the student to have access to the school technology resources at the beginning of each school year.